Black Leader’s Circle
History & Identity
Black Leader’s Circle is a safe, intergenerational space for Black leaders to build community, share stories, heal and find their grounding. The group began amidst the beginning of the COVID 19 pandemic and subsequent racial uprisings that occurred in 2020. During that time many of our Black leaders expressed that they were experiencing isolation, particularly those living in the southern and more rural parts of the state.
These women have become the voice of many who are seeking justice in an unjust world.
BLC allows Black leaders to create a trusted space where people can bring their whole selves, share their stories, build shared power, cultivate self love, and together identify the work they will take on. The group has engaged in guided healings, a book study, the joint crafting of a coloring book, the release of the NM Black Birth Workers resource guide, and conversations that have led to deep trust and community building amongst the group.
As a result of BLC, many leaders have engaged in other successful leadership roles with Bold Futures and in other change-making advocacy spaces, including within their own families. BLC continues to grow in number and expand their purpose as leaders, advocates, and power builders.